Health Benefits of Pu-erh Tea

Health Benefits of Pu-erh TeaThe benefit and the harm of Pu-Erh tea have long been known. This old Chinese drink has gained popularity around the world due to its unsurpassed taste and healing qualities. It is still used in Chinese medicine for treating many diseases. Regular use of this drink will help to forget about many ailments forever and bring more colors to your life.

Pu-Erh often compares with good wine or brandy and there are good reasons for this. The longer the tea is stored, the better its properties, so it is tastier and the higher the price for it. On average, the largest years that are on the market from 30 to 50 years, but in the imperial palace located in China, you can find tea, whose age is slightly over 300 years. The most popular option on the market is from 3 to 7 years.

The ancestor Pu-Erh can be called tea bushes xiao shu cha, the first mention of which occur in the third century AD. However, the Pu-Erh itself begins to produce only in the seventh century AD in Yunnan Province. The name itself passed from the name of the province, where all the finished product – Pu-Erh. However, if earlier such exquisite types of tea were in the wild, it is now widely distributed around the world.


At the moment, there are more than 120 types of tea, which are obtained in a similar way and can be called Pu-Erh. However, their taste differences can be very and very different. In the traditional Pu-Erh tea, the benefit and harm of which is well appreciated even by physicians, leaves have a dull color with a light red tint. The infusion may vary depending on the method of brewing: from light brown to black (this is the best tea).

Palace Pu-Erh made in Yunnan province with a combination of leaves from young and old trees. More precisely, they can be called very old, since the age of one bush can reach 800 years. This tea turns out very tasty, intense with light nutty notes. Also, palace Pu-Erh is considered one of the most useful drinks.

Also, there are not quite ordinary forms of manufacturing. For example, you can often find pressed tea on the shelves. In most cases it is a very high-quality refuelling. Pressed Pu-Erh, as a rule, are made in the form of rings in diameter from 4.72 to 11.81 in. Today it is possible to isolate white, green and black Pu-Erh, which are made using similar technologies, but during the creation different degrees of fermentation and additional raw materials are used.

The benefit and the harm of tea Pu-Erh can be much lower if you drink the remains. Often, at the shops of tea shops, you can see this drink, made in the form of a pressed nest. It’s better not to buy it, as in China, such a product is residual, that is, all dropped or unnecessary leaves mumble in these nests, and then sold as a cheap analogue.

Pu-Erh tea compositions

At first, this drink was made only from large teal sheets, which grows exclusively in the province of Yunnan. Soon, all the tea made in this place began exclusively so or “pouch”, which from the Chinese can be translated as “tea made of Pu-Erh leaf”. The unique beneficial properties of Tea Pu-Erhare due, first of all, to the composition and method of its manufacture.

When cooking this beverage, use a complex fermentation method, which can take up to 45 days. However, even if the leaves are all the process of fermentation, they will still not be ready to use. It is believed that the most beneficial tea acquires in the first year, then this process is slowed down, but still continues to go. So do not be afraid to buy the old one too, over time it only gets better. By the way, we recommend that you read an article on the benefits and damage to apples.

The benefit of Pu-Erh tea

It’s time to talk about Pu-Erh’s benefits. They are very difficult to overestimate, since they have a really beneficial effect on our body. At home, it is often called “a means of a hundred diseases”, and this name, apparently, fits as well as possible.

  • Pu-Erh helps to cope with overweight. Due to the large amount of substance called “Tannin”, human metabolism increases significantly. As a result, food is processed more quickly and gives the body the necessary energy. This also includes the pectin, which breaks down the fats located on the walls of the vessels. Pu-Erh also can be used to eliminate appetite and normalize the amount of glucose in the body;
  • This tea well strengthens the cardiovascular system of man. However, this requires systematic use. As a result, the content of cholesterol and sugar in the blood drop markedly. Pu-Erh is often used as a means for treating and preventing diabetes mellitus;
  • Tea Pu-Erh benefits and damage which have been studied for a long time, also known as help in improving the functioning of the gall bladder and the establishment of metabolism. True, for this purpose it will be necessary to use this drink for a few months at least 3 cups a day;
  • Unlike many other teas, Pu-Erh can be used even during the course of duodenitis and ulcers. He perfectly cope with the treatment of irritations, removes unnecessary slags from the body, as well as cleanses the liver. In addition, Pu-Erh does not raise the acid stomach at all;
  • Pu-Erh helps eating easier to digest as a result of which the sense of heaviness in the stomach disappears and appetite is normalized;
  • It can help cope with various gastric disorders, poisoning and even gastritis;
    One can not but mention the enormous benefits that he provides to people suffering from hormone syndrome;
  • Possibly affects the work of the spleen, and also can stop heartburn;
    Incredibly tones the body and spirit. It can easily replace coffee. The price in most cases will be noticeably lower, but the taste, the benefit and the effect is much better;
  • Pu-Erh increases arterial pressure, so people with low pressure can also benefit.

It’s a pity for tea

However, despite all this there are certain contraindications to the use of this drink. Some of them are substantial – others are mediated, but they still need to be aware of them.

  • The use of Pu-Erh is contraindicated during pregnancy, but this does not mean that it should be completely abandoned. It is also necessary to reduce the daily rate during the period of breastfeeding;
  • Despite the benefits for the stomach, it is also better to refrain from eating during illnesses associated with digestion. At least until you find out the exact cause and do not consult a specialist;
  • People who have problems with atherosclerosis and hypertension will have to give up tea. In principle, they can not drink firmly boiled tea, not to mention Pu-Erh;
  • Since this tea has a strong tonic effect, people who are suffering from insomnia are also better off not drinking;

No harm to Pu-Erh tea. You can see for yourself if you try this wonderful drink.

That’s all that could be said about the benefits and harm of Pu-Erh tea. If you have any questions or comments after reading, feel free to write them in the comments. And remember that you need to buy only high-quality tea.

Picture Credit: Threemountain

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